luni, 25 ianuarie 2010

Home Remedies for Rheumatism

              Rheumatism or arthritis has been a medical problem since early times with the elderly. There was always talk of the old pains that invaded one's joints in the cold weather or the stiffness of the hands as the person tried to do something they used to be able to do. Around the age of thirty, the joints start to become worn out. It is not known what the cause is for this hurtful and disabling disorder. It is thought that two things may interfere with joint function and bring on the rheumatism faster.
The first idea is that infection is the culprit. The second idea is that the individual’s body simply stops defending and starts fighting the joints. Stress can also be a determining factor in the rheumatism severity. Rheumatism has other problems associated with it besides the stiff joints and pain. It can cause fatigue, injury because of not being able to get around, shock, and cold and wet exposure problems. There may even be nodes that pop up under the skin of the affected areas. The doctor will need to be actively monitoring the situation of rheumatism and may request that a physical therapist, and a surgeon who specializes in orthopedics to be called in to help. 

Rheumatism cure -

Getting the right amount of rest is one of the best ways to help with the discomfort that rheumatism brings. This rest is not limited to just sleep nut also a time out from the stress and anxiety that may be effecting the situation. s also in need of review and possible omissions in what is being eaten. It usually is not a strict diet ans should be high in proteins and calcium rich foods. Iron and multivitamins are not a bad idea when added either. Massage and whirlpool baths will help to calm and relax the muscles for more comfort from t he pain. Rheumatism is not a life threatening problem but does not go away completely. Home remedies for rheumatism only assist in relief not cures. Some of the old fashioned remedies are a little extreme. One of these would be the use of kerosene on the knuckles. This is not a very safe idea and should not be used. If you will not consume it in the body, putting it on the skin to be absorbed into the tissues seems to be a health and safety issue.
Most of the home remedy for rheumatism come from the older folks who have suffered with this problem and have tested a number of items for help. There are some of these natural remedy for rheumatism that are helpful and some that work better than other. It has been found that by using alfalfa two times each day the pain is reduced. Alfalfa tablets are the best option. Large amounts of vitamins can be used but only under a doctors advice because excess vitamins might throw off the balance of the system and cause other problems. Massaging the affected joints in a warm hot water bath will soothe the joints. Calming one's self down is the ultimate lifestyle booster and will alleviate some of the tenseness in the joints. This is one of the effective rheumatism treatment. 

Diet for rheumatism

Home remedy for rheumatism - The diet changes some sufferers have made contain the reduction of white flour, sugar , and carbs. Cod liver oil added to juice works great if mixed and consumed before bed each night. The cod liver oil is rich in Omega 3 fatty acids and helps the joints. Omega 3 can also be found in tablet form for those who do not like the taste of fish. Glucosamine tablets with or without Condroiten are available in may stores to include grocery stores and drug stores alike. This product will lubricate the joints again to give a little cushioning to them so they do not hurt so bad and is probably the best idea out of a

1 comentarii:

matina spunea...

My husband was diagnosed with early onset Parkinson's disease at 57.his symptoms were shuffling of feet,slurred speech, low volume speech, degradation of hand writing, horrible driving skills, right arm held at 45 degree angle, things were tough for me, but now he finally free from the disease with the help of total cure from ULTIMATE LIFE CLINIC, he now walks properly and all symptoms has reversed, he had trouble with balance especially at night, getting into the shower and exiting it is difficult,getting into bed is also another thing he finds impossible.we had to find a better solution for his condition which has really helped him a lot,the biggest helped we had was ultimate life clinic they walked us through the proper steps,am highly recommended this to anyone who needs help.

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