Rheumatism is the term referring to the general aches and pains in muscles and joints, which may be accompanied by stiffness. Most people will suffer from rheumatism by the time they are in their seventies. Read this article to find out how you can treat and prevent rheumatism.
Often resting for a few days, followed by a gentle stretching exercises, is all that is required. A warm hot-water bottle or an ice package can also help. Some people find that a firm supportive bandage provides enormous relief. Take pain-relievers as required. Your physician may want to arrange for further investigation if the symptoms persist.
Eat plenty of oily fish and all the powerful antioxidant foods, which are rich in vitamin A, C, and E and in the minerals zinc and selenium.
Avoid foods that will aggravate your inflammation, like red meat. Also avoid foods that are likely to increase your levels of uric acid, such as offal, yeast, yeast and meat extracts, roe, taramasalata, and even caviar. Avoid all red and fortified wines and be modest in your consumption of other forms of alcohol.
Don't drink more than one or two cups of coffee a day.
Anti-inflammatory rubs (such as five drops of chamomile essence in one teaspoon of infused St. John's wort oil) can be helpful for conditions like tennis elbow or frozen shoulder. Rheumatism may respond to cleansing teas, which remove accumulated toxins in the tissues.
Try an infusion of bogbean, meadowsweet, and yarrow leaves which you have flavored with a little lemon juice. Warm compresses can also help - soak a cloth in a cramp bark and angelica decoction, reheating the mix and re-soaking as necessary.
The following oils can help ease the pain of rheumatism:
Roman chamomile
Use the oils in the bath or in a compress over the affected area. Benzoin is not too effective in the bath, as it sits on the bottom in little blobs. You can also use these oils in a massage medium, but never massage over swollen or inflamed joints - instead, massage over the affected area between flare-ups.
If your normal diet is deficient in the vitamins A, C, and E, and the minerals zinc and selenium, there is a greater chance that you may develop some form of rheumatism. Following the nutritional guidelines for arthritis and taking a daily supplement of these essential nutrients will give you added protection against rheumatism and many other disease as well.
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