luni, 25 ianuarie 2010

Home Remedies for Rheumatism

Do's and Don't for Rheumatism

Following are some of the simple tips for rheumatism:

- Rheumatism is caused mainly due to the buildup of toxins in the body. To remove this toxin, fasting is necessary for a day or two. During this period of fasting, the patient is allowed to have only hot vegetable soups with minimum spices. Also patient should drink warm water several times a day to flush out the toxins.

- Avoid sour foods including curds and cheese.

- Do not eat fruits that are cold such as bananas and guavas.

- Patient suffering from rheumatism should take balanced diet.

- Include green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, whole wheat grains, salads, cereals, etc in your diet.

- Restrict your intake of junk foods, oily and spicy food.

- Patient suffering from rheumatism must drink at least 8-10 glasses of water everyday. This will clear the bowel movement and remove any kind of toxic substance accumulated in the body.

- Red meat, mutton is not advised for patient suffering from rheumatism. The uric acid produced in the body due to mutton worsens the muscular and joint pains.

- Breathing exercises and yoga are helpful in relieving joint or muscular pain.

Home Remedies for Rheumatism

Following are some of the effective home remedies for rheumatism:

- Massage with bishop’s weed (ajwain) oil seeds directly on the painful joints. This will help in getting relief from the pain. 

- Cod liver oil is used in making bones strong and healthy. Give 2-3 teaspoon of cod liver oil along with a glass of orange juice to the patient suffering from rheumatism. This should be taken at night before sleeping.

- Apple extract vinegar is also beneficial in curing rheumatism. Take equal amount (2-3 teaspoon) of vinegar and honey and mix in a glass of lukewarm water. Take this mixture 1-2 times a day at least for a month.

- Prepare a powder by mixing dry ginger, black pepper and rock salt in the juice of a fresh ginger stem. Take three grams of this powder with honey.

- Tomato juice is very beneficial in rheumatic pains that arise in the joints of the hands and legs. Tomatoes can be taken either in the form of a juice or raw. Patient must take about four to five tomatoes must be eaten in a day.

- Garlic is also used as a home remedy for rheumatism. Prepare a paste of garlic and apply directly on the affected parts. This will help in reducing joint pain.

- Application of mustard seed paste on the affected part is also very effective to get relief from joint pain.

- Walnut also makes bone and muscles strong and healthy. It is very useful home remedy for the patient suffering from rheumatism.

- Raw potato juice is also useful natural remedy for rheumatism. Patient must be given 2-3 teaspoon of potato extract 2-3 times a day for at least for a month.

- Bitter gourd is good for treating rheumatism. Take half glass of bitter gourd extract and add 1-2 teaspoon of honey into it. Give this mixture to the patient 1-2 times a day for fast relief from joint pains.

- Give a glass of fresh carrot juice mixing 1-2 tablespoon of lemon extract to the patient suffering from rheumatism. Take 2-3 times a day.

Herbal Remedies for Rheumatism

Following are some of the effective herbal remedies for rheumatism:

- Patient with rheumatic problems are advised to take tea made from the alfalfa leaves. This tea can be safely taken even up to six times a day. It helps to dissolve the food residues left in the body. 

- For patient suffering with rheumatism, a daily consumption of the Indian gooseberry, or the amalaki, is very helpful in speedy recovery from rheumatism. It is generally given in powder form, in a dosage of one teaspoon mixed with two teaspoons of jaggery.

- The winter cherry (ashwagandha) is also useful in the treatment of rheumatism. Its roots are taken for this purpose.

- Indian aloe also used for the treatment of rheumatism. The pulp of one leaf of the aloe taken once a day is enough to bring about good results.

1 comentarii:

matina spunea...

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