Afflictions of muscle tendon, joint, bone or nerve, resulting in discomfort and disability from stiffness of the joints or muscles, pain on motion, etc. In this category are often included rheumatoid arthritis, degenerative joint diseases, spondylitis, bursitis, fibrositis, myositis, neuritis, lumbago, sciatica, and gout.
Poor elimination causes rheumatism due to toxic matter becoming stagnated in various parts of the body. Thomas Deschauer explains it thus: "Urea should be daily expelled from our body, an ounce every day. Urea, as you might know, is completely changed waste matter, and as such easily expelled. Now if the process of turning the dead tissues into urea is incomplete--it forms uric acid. Certain foods and drinks cause the urea to be left unfinished. or if the urea is hindered or stopped to be expelled, it also returns into the system and forms uric acid. This can be done by stopping perspiration, by cooling off quickly, by neglect of proper bathing, changing of underclothing, inhaling urea at night while sleeping in ill-ventilated room, etc. Avoid all these things if you want to get well. Some persons have what is known as the uric acid habit, that is, the waste matter does not break down completely. This tendency is due to an extremely abnormal and diseased condition of the blood."
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